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Basic 1 Alphabet Introduction 1 Possession Demonstrative Determiners Plurals Alphabet Introduction 2 Basics 2 Negation Common Phrases Classifiers 1 Animals 1 Clothing Food Questions 1 Verbs 1 Objects Questions 2 Colors Adjectives 1 Conjunctions Numbers Continuous Ordinal numbers Verbs 2 Dates and Time Family Comparison Prepositions 1 Geography Common Phrases 2 Countries 1 Nominalization Jobs 1 Future Attributes Verbs 2.5 Adjectives 1.5 Frequency Objects 2 Conjunctions 2 Adverbs Modal Verbs Places Ask and tell the time Countries 2 Past Travel Verbs 3 Passive Prepositions 2 Education Common Phrases 3 Common Phrases 4 Common Phrases 5 Reflexive Determiners Relative Clauses People Abstract Objects 1 Verbs 4 Animals 2 Communication Nature Adjectives 2 Miscellaneous Politics Sports Arts Abstract Objects 2 Classifiers 2 Jobs 2 Medical Science Economics Astronomy Adjectives 3 Verbs 5 Vietnam History Abstract Objects 3 Military Paranormality Classifier 3.1 Reduplicative Words Informal Expressions Reduplicative Words 2

E2 = bảnh bao = dapper | E2 = bó tay = give up | E2 = cơm bụi = meal taken from an inn | E2 = dụ dỗ = to lure | E2 = gan góc = fearless | E2 = mệt mỏi = tired | E2 = no = full | E2 = nó = it | E2 = nổ = to explode, to brag | E2 = nổ = to explode, to brag |
E3 = chen chúc = to hustle | E3 = dõng dạc = to sedate | E3 = dửng dưng = unconcerned | E3 = làm ăn = to do business | E3 = lơ lửng = to float | E3 = trúng gió = sick | E3 = viêm màng túi = broke (without money) |
E4 = bừa bãi = mess, untidy | E4 = bụi bặm = dusty | E4 = chặt chém = overprice | E4 = dài cổ = so long | E4 = leo cây = stood up | E4 = ngẩn ngơ = astounded | E4 = vớ vẩn = nonsense |
E5 = bưng bít = to suppress | E5 = lo lắng = to worry |

E1 = bàn tính = (1) abacus
(2) to talk over, plan, discuss, arrange | E1 = bạn tình = lovers | E1 = bản tính = (one’s internal) character, nature, disposition | E1 = bẳn tính = testy, irascible | E1 = cằn nhằn = to complain, grumble | E1 = dang dở = unfinished, uncompleted, incomplete | E1 = dò hỏi = to seek information, inquire into | E1 = dở hơi = cracked, odd | E1 = vui vẻ = happy, joyful, fun |
E2 = bánh bao = dumpling | E2 = bó tay = to have one’s hands tied, be helpless | E2 = bảnh bao = smart, elegant (of clothing) | E2 = cơm bụi = meal taken at an inn (usually with cheap price) | E2 = dụ dỗ = to entice, lure, seduce | E2 = gan góc = fearless, intrepid | E2 = mệt mõi = to be very tired, exhausted | E2 = mệt mỏi = tired, weary | E2 = no = gorged, stuffed, full | E2 = nò = fish trap | E2 = nó = he, she, it, they | E2 = nô = frolic, gambol | E2 = nõ = prick, cock-protruding axle | E2 = nơ = bow | E2 = nọ = that, the other (day); there, over there | E2 = nỏ = arbalot, cross-bow | E2 = nố = amount, sum | E2 = nồ = frolic, gambol | E2 = nổ = to explode, blow up, burst, shoot | E2 = nộ = cross-bow, arbalest; to intimidate | E2 = nớ = that | E2 = nở = (1) to develop, blossom, open up
(2) to hatch
(3) rise, expand | E2 = nỡ = to have the heart to do sth | E2 = nợ = debt; to owe, be indebted to |
E3 = chen chúc = to be crowded, pushed together; to make one’s way, elbow through, jostle | E3 = dõng dạc = solemn, poisd, sedate, calm | E3 = dửng dưng = indifferent | E3 = làm ăn = to work, do business, make a living | E3 = lơ lửng = hanging (in the air) | E3 = lờ lững = indifferent, grow cold, lose interest (in) | E3 = trúng gió = to be caught in a draft; to have a stroke |
E4 = bụi bậm = dusty | E4 = bụi bặm = dust, dusty | E4 = bừa bãi = disorderly, untidy, messy, random, wild | E4 = leo cây = to climb a tree | E4 = ngẩn ngơ = amazed, astounded | E4 = vô vàn = innumerable, numberless, no end of | E4 = vớ vẩn = foolish, nonsensical, silly | E4 = vớ vẫn = foolish, stupid |
E5 = bưng bít = to cover up, hide, suppress, hush up; black out | E5 = lo lắng = worried, concerned, anxious, uneasy; to worry; worry, concern, anxiety | E5 = lố lăng = ridiculous | E5 = lỡ làng = be interrupted of fail half-way |

N307 Reduplicative Words cằn nhằnbảnh baochen chúcbừa bãibưng bít
N308 Reduplicative Words chín chắndụ dỗdõng dạcbụi bặm
N309 Reduplicative Words dang dởgan gócdửng dưngvớ vẩn
N310 Reduplicative Words vui vẻmệt mỏilơ lửngngẩn ngơlo lắng
N311 Reduplicative Words run lập cậpbó taytrúng gióleo cây
N312 Reduplicative Words bẩn tínhnổlàm ănchặt chém
N313 Reduplicative Words dở hơicơm bụiviêm màng túidài cổ
N319 Reduplicative Words 2 nồng nànrộn rànghân hoanchứa chan